Tuesday, July 14, 2009

R.I.P Randy Schawang

I cant believe that i am sitting at my computer looking for songs for your funeral. i am going to miss you so much. you were like a second dad to me, always looking out for me. I am so thankful now that i have such an amazing guardian angel looking over me. You were such an amazing person and magician (good memory). ill never forget how you could get those cans to move across the table like you did, and one of the first times i met you when i toilet papered your jeep.Or the time that you cut your leg on the rabit cage and i got to stitch up your leg. Every boyfriend i ever had i think was scared shitless of you. and the times you would come pick me up and take me riding around in your jeep. this is still not real to me i cant believe your gone but i can not wait tell the day i see you again I LOVE YOU RANDY!!! you will be forever in my heart i will never forget you. i wish i could have said good bye. Ill see you soon my friend good bye.


OK so up date in the life of Kate!!!! I started my new job as a waitress at the Lincoln in here in Gooding. It is allot of fun but allot of work it was my second day to day and so far so good. I officially start school July 20Th!!! next Monday. i also had to get my GED. to start school. I found this out a week before i was suppose to start so thanks to my lucky stars i got it i had my first 3 tests on Monday and passed with flying colors! now i have two more test tomorrow so hopefully all goes well. oh and also Miguel and i are no longer dating he has permanently moved back to Utah so now i am up here all by my self but I'm hoping its for the best. we just weren't working anymore. But i love and miss you all hope to talk to you soon